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ጊዜ 2020-12-16 Hits: 65

The cargo dispatching department of the General Administration of Railway of China issued the latest notice: due to the serious backlog of port stations, from 18:00pm on December 13th to 18:00pm on December 16th, goods exported through Manzhouli, Erlian and Alashankou at train stations in China will be suspended except for China-Europe trains.


In fact, the General Administration of China Railway issued a notice to stop loading on the 5th, and the additional notice on the 13th was the third consecutive notice to stop loading this month, and so far the station has stopped loading for more than 10 days.

As winter is the peak season for shipments, the volume of train shipments increases and arrives densely at various ports. Coupled with the recent weather impact (Dosterk seasonal gale), railway maintenance (German border railway maintenance), the rebound of the COVID-19 epidemic in many countries, port border epidemic prevention and control, and other reasons, the replacement capacity of most ports is about to be saturated, and the circulation of containers and plates is abnormal. Train delays to and from China in December are expected to continue for some time.